Hello, Namaste. I’m Libby. Founder and owner of Yarra Valley Yoga School. I opened the school in 1999 after moving from Fitzroy to Narbethong and eventually Healesville for a true ”Tree change”.
Now at 64 , I have 40 years of teaching experience I notice that long term yoga practice can create subtle yet potent and long lasting physiological and emotional outcomes. These subtle changes are incremental, building every year leading us to a stronger mind and body as we age.
During all of my classes I focus on breathwork and meditation before gentle hatha yoga stretches.
My intention is to bring you home to your physical body.
To calm erratic or busy thinking .
To balance your blood gasses and to oxygenate your entire body including the brain.
$20.00 casual class.
parking on street
beginners welcome
please text to ask questions and to confirm.
Far infrared Saunas.
The Science on Far Infrared saunas is amazing . Its worth researching.
This sauna ( above pic ) has helped me immensely. Most notably is it takes my pain away. At 65 years of age that’s very useful.