We all have an unseen body often referred to as the pranic
or electric body, where numerous electric currents or
meridians move chi around the body a bit like our blood
vessels move blood around the body
Using tapping involves working with
the meridians. The key to
successful tapping is not only knowing where to tap but also
mastering the art of crafting meaningful and impactful affirmations.
Meridian yoga consists of simple floor stretches that
specifically address various issues such as emotional stress
, poor digestion, heart disease, nervous system stress,
thyroid imbalance, and more.
These channels are the exactly same on both
sides of the body and each channel
correlates to vital organs  as do
chakras although they are not  chakras.
What excites me is that we don’t need to do a lot
of difficult  yoga to stimulate our meridians.
  Just a few easy yin yoga postures can activate
all of our meridians leaving us feeling amazing.
EG: The KIDNEY  MERIDIAN moves from
sternum, through the solar plexus area down over the
  belly, groin, inner thigh to inner ankle and beneath the foot.


These very popular postures stimulate the


 It doesn’t take much imagination to understand that
every posture stimulates many meridians .
eg : in this very restful  yin yoga posture called Sukasana
the man is  activating  these  meridians 
The triple warmer meridian; The governing meridian;
 The pericardium meridian;  The stomach meridian
 & The kidney meridian


The Trippe warmer meridian

  moves through part of the face, the neck, shoulders and arms.     

The governing meridian

 moves through parts of the face, the neck, and spine.

The pericardium(heart) meridian

moves through the upper chest, arm pit and  inner arm.     

The stomach meridian

moves through  parts of the face,
front of neck, chest , torso,
belly, groin, thighs,  knees, ankles and  feet.    

The kidney meridian

moves through chest, torso,belly
 legs, calves and soul of foot.

The liver meridian

moves through the torso, digestive area, groin,
inner thigh, calf muscles, ankles, top of foot.   

Fact is any and all stretches and exercise

will active your meridians


love u lib

facebook:  Libby Mitchell  

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